
Sunday Reminder

EVENING REMINDER : Sunday : SINCERITY IN ALL WE DO IN THIS BLESSED MONTH               Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem AlhamdulilLah for blessing us to be part of the on going fasting, let's focus on one important aspect of our life whiles fasting. That's sincerity in all we do. We find the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) stressing this matter when he said, "(Fasting) with full faith and hoping for a reward from Allah." The Salaf who are the companions and their students therefore used to do their righteous deeds secretly in fear of falling into showing off. Sufyan Al-Thawn said, "The servant of Allah would do his deeds secretly, and the devil would persist in tempting him until he convinces him to do it openly. The devil would then continue to insist until the person wants to be thanked for the deed. So, it will be converted from a deed done openly to one done for showing off." Allah forbid. Let's try to avoid was...

Sunday Reminder

SECOND REMINDER : Sunday : ANGER MANAGEMENT IN THIS BLESSED MONTH continues                Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem The problem with leaving anger unresolved is that it can get the best of us and has the potential to become a monster within us.  here are three pieces of advice from Islam’s spiritual sources that may go a long way in managing anger: First, the Qur’an advises that when Satan stirs us up with anger, the best course of action is to seek refuge in Allah (41:36). There is recognition in this that anger comes from a dark and fiery place and that the remembrance of Allah can bring light and coolness to one’s affairs. You can do this by chanting Allah’s beautiful names, reciting Qur’an, or anything else that helps you remember the Source of Peace (one of the 99 attributes of Allah). Example you can recite regularly Yaa Allah Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyuum BiRahmatika A...

Sunday Reminder

FIRST REMINDER: Sunday: 2nd day of Ramadhan : ANGER MANAGEMENT WHILST FASTING             Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem Once a young man approached the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallah) and asked him for some advice. The Prophet replied, “Do not become angry,” and he repeated this three times. On another occasion the Prophet asked his companions, “Do you know who the strong person is?” His companions replied, “The one who is able to wrestle others down.” The Prophet responded, “No, it is the one who is able to control their anger. There are so many wisdoms from the Prophet specifically advising against anger, all reflecting the Qur’anic description of the righteous as those who “hold in check their anger” (3:134). The advice is much needed. Indeed, some of the worst actions committed by human beings from killing to domestic abuse are, at least partly, a result of unb...

Saturday Reminder

THIRD Reminder : Saturday : Some Factors That will Make our Night Prayer ( Taraaweeh , Tahajjud ) Easy be-iznilLah .                Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem Imam Abu Hameed Al-Ghazali May Allah be pleased with him,  mentioned some external and internal factors that will make Night Prayer (Isha, Taraaweeh and Any Nafl Salaat) easy. External factors include: We should not eat or drink too much after breaking the fast, if we do, sleeping will overpower us, and waking up will be difficult. We should not tire ourselves in the daytime with things of no benefit.  We should not avoid the mid-day nap because it helps with regards to waking up. We should not commit any known form of sins else it will aid us to be lazy for any worship at night due to guilty conscience. Internal factors include: The heart should be free from malice towards the Muslims, bid'as, and excessive worldly interests. The he...

US President Donald Trump, others meet Osinbajo at G7 Summit in Italy (photos)

- The Acting President Yemi Osinbajo left Nigeria for Italy on Saturday, May 27 - Osinbajo met with United States of America's President Donald Trump - He also met other leaders like the Chancellor of Germany of Angela Merkel The Acting President Yemi Osinbajo left Nigeria for Italy on Saturday, May 27.   gathered that Osinbajo attended the G7 Summit which held in Sicily, Italy. The acting president also met with leaders leaders other countries including Donald Trump of the United States of America, Angela Merkel of Germany among many other leaders. The Acting President Yemi Osinbajo left Nigeria for Italy on Saturday, May 27. The special assistant to the acting president on media Laolu Akande had earlier told journalists that  Osinbajo will leave Nigeria on the morning of Saturday, May 27 , and return later in the evening. Osinbajo with Trump and other leaders in Italy Akande said his principal was invited to represent Nigeria at th...