Sunday Reminder
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
AlhamdulilLah for blessing us to be part of the on going fasting, let's focus on one important aspect of our life whiles fasting. That's sincerity in all we do. We find the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) stressing this matter when he said, "(Fasting) with full faith and hoping for a reward from Allah." The Salaf who are the companions and their students therefore used to do their righteous deeds secretly in fear of falling into showing off.
Sufyan Al-Thawn said, "The servant of Allah would do his deeds secretly, and the devil would persist in tempting him until he convinces him to do it openly. The devil would then continue to insist until the person wants to be thanked for the deed. So, it will be converted from a deed done openly to one done for showing off." Allah forbid.
Let's try to avoid wasting time and spending it in ways other than obedience to Allah. This indeed means a lack of awareness and amounts to turning away from the Mercy and Bounty of Allah.
It's a sad reality that sins and forbidden acts are committed during the nights of Ramadan! Yes, we must be truly concerned about the manner in which some Muslims spend their time. We must also be disturbed to find some Muslim youth spending their time in ways that are not pleasing to Allah. But do not worry. The path to our happiness and that of our Muslim brothers and sisters is to call them to apply Islamic teachings and to make supplications for them. Thus, naseeha to those Muslims who have become unaware of their Islamic duties, and guiding them to the Straight Path. Also, make supplications for them in their absence that Allah may accept it from you and that they do not become among those deprived of guidance. We are all not perfect so let's strive to remind each other as reminders only help believers says Allah. Please remember me in your dua just before you break your fast.
We ask Allah to keep guiding our eemaan and protect us from any satanic influences during this blessed month.