Sunday Reminder

               Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

The problem with leaving anger unresolved is that it can get the best of us and has the potential to become a monster within us.  here are three pieces of advice from Islam’s spiritual sources that may go a long way in managing anger:

First, the Qur’an advises that when Satan stirs us up with anger, the best course of action is to seek refuge in Allah (41:36). There is recognition in this that anger comes from a dark and fiery place and that the remembrance of Allah can bring light and coolness to one’s affairs. You can do this by chanting Allah’s beautiful names, reciting Qur’an, or anything else that helps you remember the Source of Peace (one of the 99 attributes of Allah). Example you can recite regularly Yaa Allah Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyuum BiRahmatika Astaqeeth ( Oh Allah, You the living and maintainer of life, with your mercy I seek your help) if you recite this with intention of fighting your inner evil of anger, In shaa Allah your anger will vanish by Allah’s mercy.

Secondly, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallah) advised that when we feel angry we should perform ritual purification (wudu). Again, the idea is to cool the body and soul from the heat of anger. In the Islamic tradition this means gently washing your hands, rinsing your mouth, sniffing water into your nose, washing your face, arms, head, and feet. All of the outer limbs are renewed and cooled with this practice.

Third, the Prophet advised that if you become angry while standing, then sit down, and if you are sitting down, then lie down. It is a physical motion to temper the rising flames within. Of course, all of this requires deep self-awareness. Sometimes we don’t even know that we’re angry or how angry we are. This is why Ramadan and fasting are such special times. Fasting facilitates deeper introspection and allows us to hear what is going on inside of ourselves due to the fact that Satan is in prison and we are more powerful than his agents the evil jinns be-iznilLah.

We Ask Allah to aid us in our effort to fight away our anger by the end of Ramadan in shaa Allah.


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