Sunday Reminder

Sunday: 2nd day of Ramadhan: ANGER MANAGEMENT WHILST FASTING
            Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Once a young man approached the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallah) and asked him for some advice. The Prophet replied, “Do not become angry,” and he repeated this three times. On another occasion the Prophet asked his companions, “Do you know who the strong person is?” His companions replied, “The one who is able to wrestle others down.” The Prophet responded, “No, it is the one who is able to control their anger. There are so many wisdoms from the Prophet specifically advising against anger, all reflecting the Qur’anic description of the righteous as those who “hold in check their anger” (3:134).

The advice is much needed. Indeed, some of the worst actions committed by human beings from killing to domestic abuse are, at least partly, a result of unbridled anger.

This month is the right time to fight out the evil of anger from our way of life. We will look into how Allah and His Messenger taught us how to handle this evil companion in us in my afternoon reminder in shaa Allah. My dua is with all brothers and sisters. May Allah aid us through our little efforts to please HIM and accept our littleefforts.


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