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Ireland’s ruling party

Ireland’s ruling party , Fine Gael, has elected Leo Varadkar as its new leader on Friday. Varadkar, a renowned gay, 38-year-old son of an Indian immigrant, will become the youngest person ever to hold the office. He will succeed Enda Kenny, 66, as prime minister in a striking generational and social change. Varadkar, who is the current Social Protection Minister, defeated ministerial colleague, Simon Coveney, with an overwhelming majority of votes coming from the centre-right party’s lawmakers. He is expected to assume office as prime minister when parliament next sits on June 13. The newly elected Prime Minister had already received the publicly declared support of almost two-thirds of the parliamentary party, who account for 65 percent of the vote, meaning his defeat among ordinary members was unlikely to change the expected outcome.

2019 election: 9 strong candidates who Nigerians believe have POTENTIAL to be president

Following the political unease within the country at the moment, the race for Nigeria's presidency might begin sooner than expected. Nigerians are beginning to draw their personal inferences and come with their diverse theories as regards the nation's polity and leadership. Major actors have reportedly started aligning their interests for the role ahead of the next general elections in 2019. This would be so if the rumours making the rounds that President Muhammadu Buhari might not contest for another term in office 2019: 9 people Nigerians believe are potential Presidential candidates Though some of these politicians have not openly made their interests known, there are strong indications that they may be discreetly melting loose wall with foes and strengthening existing relationship with friends and allies.  brings you 9 strong candidates who many Nigerians on social platforms believe are potential candidates for the 2019 president...

War In Calabar: Many Dead As Naval Officers Burn Down Police Station

Nigerian Navy Several police officers are feared to have been killed Tuesday night after suspected officials of the Nigerian Navy stormed a police division in Calabar, southern Nigeria. Witnesses told PREMIUM TIMES the attack, which began shortly after 8:30 p.m., was still underway as at 10:19 p.m. at Akim Divisional Headquarters. “The police station is still burning as we speak,” a horrified witness stated. Naval spokesperson, Suleiman Dahun, said he wasn’t aware of the development as at 10:26 p.m., promising to revert after his findings. Police spokesperson, Jimoh Moshood, could not be reached for comments Tuesday night. Sources said the unrest was a continuation of an initial skirmish between a police traffic officer and a naval officer at a traffic light near the Calabar Stadium along the Airport Road on Tuesday afternoon. “Some naval officers ran the red light and police traffic officers intervened, but rather than listen, they descended on the policemen and beat them ...

Sunday Reminder

EVENING REMINDER : Sunday : SINCERITY IN ALL WE DO IN THIS BLESSED MONTH               Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem AlhamdulilLah for blessing us to be part of the on going fasting, let's focus on one important aspect of our life whiles fasting. That's sincerity in all we do. We find the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) stressing this matter when he said, "(Fasting) with full faith and hoping for a reward from Allah." The Salaf who are the companions and their students therefore used to do their righteous deeds secretly in fear of falling into showing off. Sufyan Al-Thawn said, "The servant of Allah would do his deeds secretly, and the devil would persist in tempting him until he convinces him to do it openly. The devil would then continue to insist until the person wants to be thanked for the deed. So, it will be converted from a deed done openly to one done for showing off." Allah forbid. Let's try to avoid was...